Intermittent Fasting Is No Better Than Normal Dieting: Reports The Largest Systematic Review To Date

Egis R.
3 min readJun 5, 2022
Image by the author

Remember this, this, and this post where I said that intermittent fasting is not magic? That it’s no better than normal dieting aka daily calorie restriction for both fat loss and health outcomes?

I feel that some people are still not convinced because I got comments like ‘Nah, I don’t believe you, I can swear I saw a unicorn during my fasting window who burned 3 pounds of fat off my ass in a matter of 3 seconds’ and ‘Jason Fung is my hero and you should read his book about intermittent fasting.’

But here is the deal — I was right. Regardless of fasting duration, all fasting protocols produce the same but not superior fat loss results and health outcomes compared to daily energy restriction.

I have spoken about this ad nauseam and the largest systematic review to date on intermittent fasting versus daily caloric restriction once again found that IF bares no magic:

A total of 27 different randomized controlled trials on humans were reviewed / The researchers analyzed both short- (<6 months) and long-term (≥6 months) effects of intermittent energy restriction on anthropometric, cardiometabolic, inflammatory, and appetite outcomes in adults with overweight/obesity / Conclusion: “No significant long-term between group differences were observed in fat mass”
Image by the author

I’m not dissing IF. I’m just saying that if you do it, do it because it’s something you can adhere to long-term rather than because of some unfounded magic weight loss…



Egis R.

I’m Egis, an online weight loss coach who has heightened BS sensors for fitness & nutrition. Only evidence-based & sustainable fat loss.