Which Foods are Easiest to Overeat?

Egis R.
4 min readApr 10, 2023
Image by the author

Which foods are easiest to overeat? A recent study investigated exactly that. They found the main food characteristics that encourage you to eat more food than some African people eat in a lifetime.

Here are three things that were highly associated with an increased risk of oh god I once again ate myself silly (and what to do about them to make dieting and thus weight loss easier).

#1. Energy density

Unsurprisingly, foods that contain more calories per gram lead to passing out from a food coma aka calorie overconsumption. Here are some examples:

Granola Nut butter Dark Choc. Raisins
Image by the author

These calorie-dense foods will likely leave you feeling less full while consuming more calories:

Potato vs chips
Image by the author

So base most of your diet on foods with a lower caloric cost. Veggies, fruits, and lean protein sources are champions at this.

#2. Hyper-palatability

Foods that contain combinations of fat, sugar, and sodium tend to taste fugging…



Egis R.

I’m Egis, an online weight loss coach who has heightened BS sensors for fitness & nutrition. Only evidence-based & sustainable fat loss. www.absscience.com