How To Use Double Progression System to Gain Muscle & Strength?

Egis R.
5 min readMay 10, 2022
Image by the author

You are in the gym, you look around at people, one of them is scrolling Instagram feed for five hours, another one is doing the stupidest exercise in the universe — burpees, another one is openly vomiting after completing four sets of Bulgarian split squats, and another one is just… big and strong. And so you wonder:

How did he get so big and strong? I want to be like him.
Image by the author

I will tell you how. It’s because he trained with progressive overload which simply means challenging muscles beyond their present capacity so that they would have to adapt and get stronger and/or bigger.

You can incorporate it into your training in a lot of different ways. My favorite way is the double progression system. It is a method of manipulating the volume and intensity of your training. It works with any exercise and pretty much anyone can use it to gain muscle and strength. Especially beginner and intermediate lifters.

Since you are 153 words into this article, you are probably close to achieving a critical level of “fuck this article, so far, Egis told me absolutely nothing while saying many many words” so let me explain to you how to train with the double progression system.



Egis R.

I’m Egis, an online weight loss coach who has heightened BS sensors for fitness & nutrition. Only evidence-based & sustainable fat loss.