How Much Fat vs. Muscle Do You Lose In Popular Diets?

Egis R.
7 min readNov 27, 2021

I’m going to inject a little realism into your world — you could lose 15 pounds of weight (~7 kg), but your body composition may be worse off.

You see, weight loss is often accompanied by a loss in lean body mass — muscle tissue and its transient contents. This loss in lean body mass has multiple negative health implications one of which being a subsequent body fat overshoot aka weight regain.

This is because less lean body mass means lower resting energy expenditure aka “slower” metabolism.

Now, for purposes of description, enjoy this view:

Minnesota Starvation Experiment

This is the Minnesota Starvation Experiment during which conscientious objectors of war went through 24 weeks of semi-starvation study — their calories were cut by about 50%.

Folks probably whined, wheedled, complained, and yet each of them had to go through the trial to lose about 25% of the original weight. They reached the limits of human leanness of 4–5% body fat.

But here is the interesting part:

The subjects were put on 8 weeks of ad libitum refeeding phase during which they regained all the…



Egis R.

I’m Egis, an online weight loss coach who has heightened BS sensors for fitness & nutrition. Only evidence-based & sustainable fat loss.