If you’ve been kicking around the fitness space for a while you’ve probably done some things you wish you hadn’t. Such as crossfitting the shit out yourself. Or eating raw bull testicles because the liver king said it’s going to make you superior to all the other earthlings.
I too have done things I wish I hadn’t. In fact, I tried to count the exact number and it’s somewhere around a shit-ton. So let’s go over a shit-ton of things (six, to be exact) I wish I did when I started my fitness journey.
1. Be more chill about nutrition and training
I’ve done my share of carrying meals in Tupperware and training when more enjoyable activities were available to me. I’ve tracked calories and macros in situations where I shouldn’t have. All that for the sake of getting fractionally less fatter and more buff. Fuck that.
As Jordan Syatt once noted,
“We’re living at a point in human history in which “grinding” 24/7 is apparently cool. Fucking. Relax. Fitness is supposed to enhance your life, not control it. If it’s causing you more stress than necessary, it’ll do more harm. Learn to shut off and relax.”
If you’re just a recreational lifter, relax. If you missed a workout or ate off plan, don’t sweat. No one…